/** * @file IxOsalBufferMgtDefault.h * * @brief Default buffer pool management and buffer management * definitions. * * Design Notes: * * @par * IXP400 SW Release version 2.0 * * -- Copyright Notice -- * * @par * Copyright 2001-2005, Intel Corporation. * All rights reserved. * * @par * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * @par * -- End of Copyright Notice -- */ #ifndef IX_OSAL_BUFFER_MGT_DEFAULT_H #define IX_OSAL_BUFFER_MGT_DEFAULT_H /** * @enum IxMbufPoolAllocationType * @brief Used to indicate how the pool memory was allocated */ typedef enum { IX_OSAL_MBUF_POOL_TYPE_SYS_ALLOC = 0, /**< mbuf pool allocated by the system */ IX_OSAL_MBUF_POOL_TYPE_USER_ALLOC /**< mbuf pool allocated by the user */ } IxOsalMbufPoolAllocationType; /** * @brief Implementation of buffer pool structure for use with non-VxWorks OS */ typedef struct { IX_OSAL_MBUF *nextFreeBuf; /**< Pointer to the next free mbuf */ void *mbufMemPtr; /**< Pointer to the mbuf memory area */ void *dataMemPtr; /**< Pointer to the data memory area */ int bufDataSize; /**< The size of the data portion of each mbuf */ int totalBufsInPool; /**< Total number of mbufs in the pool */ int freeBufsInPool; /**< Number of free mbufs currently in the pool */ int mbufMemSize; /**< The size of the pool mbuf memory area */ int dataMemSize; /**< The size of the pool data memory area */ char name[IX_OSAL_MBUF_POOL_NAME_LEN + 1]; /**< Descriptive name for pool */ IxOsalMbufPoolAllocationType poolAllocType; unsigned int poolIdx; /**< Pool Index */ } IxOsalMbufPool; typedef IxOsalMbufPool IX_OSAL_MBUF_POOL; PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalBuffPoolUninit (IX_OSAL_MBUF_POOL * pool); #endif /* IX_OSAL_BUFFER_MGT_DEFAULT_H */