/**************************************************************************** * * SciTech OS Portability Manager Library * * ======================================================================== * * The contents of this file are subject to the SciTech MGL Public * License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.scitechsoft.com/mgl-license.txt * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 1991-1998 SciTech Software, Inc. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SciTech Software, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * ======================================================================== * * Language: ANSI C * Environment: 32-bit Windows VxD * * Description: Implementation for the OS Portability Manager Library, which * contains functions to implement OS specific services in a * generic, cross platform API. Porting the OS Portability * Manager library is the first step to porting any SciTech * products to a new platform. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "pmapi.h" #include "drvlib/os/os.h" #include "sdd/sddhelp.h" #include "mtrr.h" /*--------------------------- Global variables ----------------------------*/ #define MAX_MEMORY_SHARED 100 #define MAX_MEMORY_MAPPINGS 100 typedef struct { void *linear; ulong global; ulong length; int npages; } memshared; typedef struct { ulong physical; ulong linear; ulong length; int npages; ibool isCached; } mmapping; static int numMappings = 0; static memshared shared[MAX_MEMORY_MAPPINGS] = {0}; static mmapping maps[MAX_MEMORY_MAPPINGS]; extern ibool _PM_haveBIOS; char _PM_cntPath[PM_MAX_PATH] = ""; char _PM_nucleusPath[PM_MAX_PATH] = ""; uchar *_PM_rmBufAddr = NULL; ushort _VARAPI _PM_savedDS = 0; static uchar _PM_oldCMOSRegA; static uchar _PM_oldCMOSRegB; PM_intHandler _PM_rtcHandler = NULL; IRQHANDLE RTCIRQHandle = 0; VPICD_HWInt_THUNK RTCInt_Thunk; static char *szWindowsKey = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion"; static char *szSystemRoot = "SystemRoot"; static char *szMachineNameKey = "System\\CurrentControlSet\\control\\ComputerName\\ComputerName"; static char *szMachineName = "ComputerName"; static void (PMAPIP fatalErrorCleanup)(void) = NULL; /*----------------------------- Implementation ----------------------------*/ /* Functions to read and write CMOS registers */ ulong PMAPI _PM_getPDB(void); uchar PMAPI _PM_readCMOS(int index); void PMAPI _PM_writeCMOS(int index,uchar value); /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: PM_malloc override function for Nucleus drivers loaded in VxD's. ****************************************************************************/ void * VXD_malloc( size_t size) { return PM_mallocShared(size); } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: PM_calloc override function for Nucleus drivers loaded in VxD's. ****************************************************************************/ void * VXD_calloc( size_t nelem, size_t size) { void *p = PM_mallocShared(nelem * size); if (p) memset(p,0,nelem * size); return p; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: PM_realloc override function for Nucleus drivers loaded in VxD's. ****************************************************************************/ void * VXD_realloc( void *ptr, size_t size) { void *p = PM_mallocShared(size); if (p) { memcpy(p,ptr,size); PM_freeShared(ptr); } return p; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: PM_free override function for Nucleus drivers loaded in VxD's. ****************************************************************************/ void VXD_free( void *p) { PM_freeShared(p); } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Initialise the PM library. ****************************************************************************/ void PMAPI PM_init(void) { /* Override the default memory allocators for all Nucleus drivers * loaded in SDDHELP/PMHELP. We do this so that we can ensure all memory * dynamically allocated by Nucleus drivers and internal C runtime * library functions are shared memory blocks that all processes * connecting to SDDHELP can see. */ PM_useLocalMalloc(VXD_malloc,VXD_calloc,VXD_realloc,VXD_free); /* Initialiase the MTRR module */ MTRR_init(); } ibool PMAPI PM_haveBIOSAccess(void) { return _PM_haveBIOS; } long PMAPI PM_getOSType(void) { return _OS_WIN32VXD; } int PMAPI PM_getModeType(void) { return PM_386; } void PMAPI PM_backslash(char *s) { uint pos = strlen(s); if (s[pos-1] != '\\') { s[pos] = '\\'; s[pos+1] = '\0'; } } void PMAPI PM_setFatalErrorCleanup( void (PMAPIP cleanup)(void)) { fatalErrorCleanup = cleanup; } void PMAPI PM_fatalError(const char *msg) { if (fatalErrorCleanup) fatalErrorCleanup(); Fatal_Error_Handler(msg,0); } /**************************************************************************** PARAMETERS: len - Place to store the length of the buffer rseg - Place to store the real mode segment of the buffer roff - Place to store the real mode offset of the buffer REMARKS: This function returns the address and length of the global VESA transfer buffer that is used for communicating with the VESA BIOS functions from Win16 and Win32 programs under Windows. ****************************************************************************/ void * PMAPI PM_getVESABuf( uint *len, uint *rseg, uint *roff) { /* If the VxD is dynamically loaded we will not have a real mode * transfer buffer to return, so we fail the call. */ if (_PM_rmBufAddr) { *len = VESA_BUF_SIZE; *rseg = (ulong)(_PM_rmBufAddr) >> 4; *roff = (ulong)(_PM_rmBufAddr) & 0xF; return _PM_rmBufAddr; } return NULL; } int PMAPI PM_int386( int intno, PMREGS *in, PMREGS *out) { /* Unused in VxDs */ return 0; } void PMAPI _PM_getRMvect( int intno, long *realisr) { WORD seg; DWORD off; Get_V86_Int_Vector(intno,&seg,&off); *realisr = ((long)seg << 16) | (off & 0xFFFF); } void PMAPI _PM_setRMvect( int intno, long realisr) { Set_V86_Int_Vector(intno,realisr >> 16,realisr & 0xFFFF); } char * PMAPI PM_getCurrentPath( char *path, int maxLen) { strncpy(path,_PM_cntPath,maxLen); path[maxLen-1] = 0; return path; } char PMAPI PM_getBootDrive(void) { return 'c'; } const char * PMAPI PM_getVBEAFPath(void) { return "c:\\"; } /**************************************************************************** PARAMETERS: szKey - Key to query (can contain version number formatting) szValue - Value to get information for value - Place to store the registry key data read size - Size of the string buffer to read into RETURNS: true if the key was found, false if not. ****************************************************************************/ static ibool REG_queryString( char *szKey, char *szValue, char *value, ulong size) { HKEY hKey; ulong type; ibool status = false; memset(value,0,sizeof(value)); if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,szKey,&hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey,(PCHAR)szValue,(ulong*)NULL,(ulong*)&type,value,(ulong*)&size) == ERROR_SUCCESS) status = true; RegCloseKey(hKey); } return status; } const char * PMAPI PM_getNucleusPath(void) { static char path[256]; if (strlen(_PM_nucleusPath) > 0) { strcpy(path,_PM_nucleusPath); PM_backslash(path); return path; } if (!REG_queryString(szWindowsKey,szSystemRoot,path,sizeof(path))) strcpy(path,"c:\\windows"); PM_backslash(path); strcat(path,"system\\nucleus"); return path; } const char * PMAPI PM_getNucleusConfigPath(void) { static char path[256]; strcpy(path,PM_getNucleusPath()); PM_backslash(path); strcat(path,"config"); return path; } const char * PMAPI PM_getUniqueID(void) { return PM_getMachineName(); } const char * PMAPI PM_getMachineName(void) { static char name[256]; if (REG_queryString(szMachineNameKey,szMachineName,name,sizeof(name))) return name; return "Unknown"; } int PMAPI PM_kbhit(void) { return 1; } int PMAPI PM_getch(void) { return 0; } PM_HWND PMAPI PM_openConsole( PM_HWND hwndUser, int device, int xRes, int yRes, int bpp, ibool fullScreen) { /* Unused in VxDs */ return NULL; } int PMAPI PM_getConsoleStateSize(void) { /* Unused in VxDs */ return 1; } void PMAPI PM_saveConsoleState( void *stateBuf, PM_HWND hwndConsole) { /* Unused in VxDs */ } void PMAPI PM_setSuspendAppCallback( int (_ASMAPIP saveState)( int flags)) { /* Unused in VxDs */ } void PMAPI PM_restoreConsoleState( const void *stateBuf, PM_HWND hwndConsole) { /* Unused in VxDs */ } void PMAPI PM_closeConsole( PM_HWND hwndConsole) { /* Unused in VxDs */ } void PM_setOSCursorLocation( int x, int y) { uchar *_biosPtr = PM_getBIOSPointer(); PM_setByte(_biosPtr+0x50,x); PM_setByte(_biosPtr+0x51,y); } void PM_setOSScreenWidth( int width, int height) { uchar *_biosPtr = PM_getBIOSPointer(); PM_setByte(_biosPtr+0x4A,width); PM_setByte(_biosPtr+0x84,height-1); } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Allocate a block of shared memory. For Win9x we allocate shared memory as locked, global memory that is accessible from any memory context (including interrupt time context), which allows us to load our important data structure and code such that we can access it directly from a ring 0 interrupt context. ****************************************************************************/ void * PMAPI PM_mallocShared( long size) { MEMHANDLE hMem; DWORD pgNum,nPages = (size + 0xFFF) >> 12; int i; /* First find a free slot in our shared memory table */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_MEMORY_SHARED; i++) { if (shared[i].linear == 0) break; } if (i < MAX_MEMORY_SHARED) { PageAllocate(nPages,PG_SYS,0,0,0,0,NULL,0,&hMem,&shared[i].linear); shared[i].npages = nPages; pgNum = (ulong)shared[i].linear >> 12; shared[i].global = LinPageLock(pgNum,nPages,PAGEMAPGLOBAL); return (void*)shared[i].global; } return NULL; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Free a block of shared memory ****************************************************************************/ void PMAPI PM_freeShared(void *p) { int i; /* Find a shared memory block in our table and free it */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_MEMORY_SHARED; i++) { if (shared[i].global == (ulong)p) { LinPageUnLock(shared[i].global >> 12,shared[i].npages,PAGEMAPGLOBAL); PageFree((ulong)shared[i].linear,0); shared[i].linear = 0; break; } } } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Maps a shared memory block into process address space. Does nothing since the memory blocks are already globally7 mapped into all processes. ****************************************************************************/ void * PMAPI PM_mapToProcess( void *base, ulong limit) { return (void*)base; } ibool PMAPI PM_doBIOSPOST( ushort axVal, ulong BIOSPhysAddr, void *mappedBIOS, ulong BIOSLen) { // TODO: Figure out how to do this return false; } void * PMAPI PM_getBIOSPointer(void) { return (void*)0x400; } void * PMAPI PM_getA0000Pointer(void) { return PM_mapPhysicalAddr(0xA0000,0xFFFF,true); } /**************************************************************************** PARAMETERS: base - Physical base address of the memory to maps in limit - Limit of physical memory to region to maps in RETURNS: Linear address of the newly mapped memory. REMARKS: Maps a physical memory range to a linear memory range. ****************************************************************************/ ulong _PM_mapPhysicalToLinear( ulong base, ulong limit, int *npages) { ulong linear,length = limit+1; int i,ppage,flags; if (base < 0x100000) { /* Windows 9x is zero based for the first meg of memory */ return base; } ppage = base >> 12; *npages = (length + (base & 0xFFF) + 4095) >> 12; flags = PR_FIXED | PR_STATIC; if (base == 0xA0000) { /* We require the linear address to be aligned to a 64Kb boundary * for mapping the banked framebuffer (so we can do efficient * carry checking for bank changes in the assembler code). The only * way to ensure this is to force the linear address to be aligned * to a 4Mb boundary. */ flags |= PR_4MEG; } if ((linear = (ulong)PageReserve(PR_SYSTEM,*npages,flags)) == (ulong)-1) return 0xFFFFFFFF; if (!PageCommitPhys(linear >> 12,*npages,ppage,PC_INCR | PC_USER | PC_WRITEABLE)) return 0xFFFFFFFF; return linear + (base & 0xFFF); } // Page table flags #define PAGE_FLAGS_PRESENT 0x00000001 #define PAGE_FLAGS_WRITEABLE 0x00000002 #define PAGE_FLAGS_USER 0x00000004 #define PAGE_FLAGS_WRITE_THROUGH 0x00000008 #define PAGE_FLAGS_CACHE_DISABLE 0x00000010 #define PAGE_FLAGS_ACCESSED 0x00000020 #define PAGE_FLAGS_DIRTY 0x00000040 #define PAGE_FLAGS_4MB 0x00000080 /**************************************************************************** PARAMETERS: base - Physical base address of the memory to maps in limit - Limit of physical memory to region to maps in isCached - True if the memory should be cached, false if not RETURNS: Linear address of the newly mapped memory. REMARKS: This function maps physical memory to linear memory, which can then be used to create a selector or used directly from 32-bit protected mode programs. This is better than DPMI 0x800, since it allows you to maps physical memory below 1Mb, which gets this memory out of the way of the Windows VDD's sticky paws. NOTE: If the memory is not expected to be cached, this function will directly re-program the PCD (Page Cache Disable) bit in the page tables. There does not appear to be a mechanism in the VMM to control this bit via the regular interface. ****************************************************************************/ void * PMAPI PM_mapPhysicalAddr( ulong base, ulong limit, ibool isCached) { ulong linear,length = limit+1; int i,npages; ulong PDB,*pPDB; /* Search table of existing mappings to see if we have already mapped * a region of memory that will serve this purpose. */ for (i = 0; i < numMappings; i++) { if (maps[i].physical == base && maps[i].length == length && maps[i].isCached == isCached) return (void*)maps[i].linear; } if (numMappings == MAX_MEMORY_MAPPINGS) return NULL; /* We did not find any previously mapped memory region, so maps it in. * Note that we do not use MapPhysToLinear, since this function appears * to have problems mapping memory in the 1Mb physical address space. * Hence we use PageReserve and PageCommitPhys. */ if ((linear = _PM_mapPhysicalToLinear(base,limit,&npages)) == 0xFFFFFFFF) return NULL; maps[numMappings].physical = base; maps[numMappings].length = length; maps[numMappings].linear = linear; maps[numMappings].npages = npages; maps[numMappings].isCached = isCached; numMappings++; /* Finally disable caching where necessary */ if (!isCached && (PDB = _PM_getPDB()) != 0) { int startPDB,endPDB,iPDB,startPage,endPage,start,end,iPage; ulong pageTable,*pPageTable; pPDB = (ulong*)_PM_mapPhysicalToLinear(PDB,0xFFF,&npages); if (pPDB) { startPDB = (linear >> 22) & 0x3FF; startPage = (linear >> 12) & 0x3FF; endPDB = ((linear+limit) >> 22) & 0x3FF; endPage = ((linear+limit) >> 12) & 0x3FF; for (iPDB = startPDB; iPDB <= endPDB; iPDB++) { // Set the bits in the page directory entry - required as per // Pentium 4 manual. This also takes care of the 4MB page entries pPDB[iPDB] = pPDB[iPDB] |= (PAGE_FLAGS_WRITE_THROUGH | PAGE_FLAGS_CACHE_DISABLE); if (!(pPDB[iPDB] & PAGE_FLAGS_4MB)) { // If we are dealing with 4KB pages then we need to iterate // through each of the page table entries pageTable = pPDB[iPDB] & ~0xFFF; pPageTable = (ulong*)_PM_mapPhysicalToLinear(pageTable,0xFFF,&npages); start = (iPDB == startPDB) ? startPage : 0; end = (iPDB == endPDB) ? endPage : 0x3FF; for (iPage = start; iPage <= end; iPage++) pPageTable[iPage] |= (PAGE_FLAGS_WRITE_THROUGH | PAGE_FLAGS_CACHE_DISABLE); PageFree((ulong)pPageTable,PR_STATIC); } } PageFree((ulong)pPDB,PR_STATIC); PM_flushTLB(); } } return (void*)linear; } void PMAPI PM_freePhysicalAddr( void *ptr, ulong limit) { /* We never free the mappings */ } void PMAPI PM_sleep(ulong milliseconds) { /* We never sleep in a VxD */ } int PMAPI PM_getCOMPort(int port) { // TODO: Re-code this to determine real values using the Plug and Play // manager for the OS. switch (port) { case 0: return 0x3F8; case 1: return 0x2F8; case 2: return 0x3E8; case 3: return 0x2E8; } return 0; } int PMAPI PM_getLPTPort(int port) { // TODO: Re-code this to determine real values using the Plug and Play // manager for the OS. switch (port) { case 0: return 0x3BC; case 1: return 0x378; case 2: return 0x278; } return 0; } ulong PMAPI PM_getPhysicalAddr( void *p) { DWORD pte; // Touch the memory before calling CopyPageTable. For some reason // we need to do this on Windows 9x, otherwise the memory may not // be paged in correctly. Of course if the passed in pointer is // invalid, this function will fault, but we shouldn't be passed bogus // pointers anyway ;-) pte = *((ulong*)p); // Return assembled address value only if VMM service succeeds if (CopyPageTable(((DWORD)p) >> 12, 1, (PVOID*)&pte, 0)) return (pte & ~0xFFF) | (((DWORD)p) & 0xFFF); // Return failure to the caller! return 0xFFFFFFFFUL; } ibool PMAPI PM_getPhysicalAddrRange( void *p, ulong length, ulong *physAddress) { int i; ulong linear = (ulong)p & ~0xFFF; for (i = (length + 0xFFF) >> 12; i > 0; i--) { if ((*physAddress++ = PM_getPhysicalAddr((void*)linear)) == 0xFFFFFFFF) return false; linear += 4096; } return true; } void PMAPI _PM_freeMemoryMappings(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < numMappings; i++) PageFree(maps[i].linear,PR_STATIC); } void * PMAPI PM_mapRealPointer( uint r_seg, uint r_off) { return (void*)MK_PHYS(r_seg,r_off); } void * PMAPI PM_allocRealSeg( uint size, uint *r_seg, uint *r_off) { return NULL; } void PMAPI PM_freeRealSeg( void *mem) { } void PMAPI DPMI_int86( int intno, DPMI_regs *regs) { /* Unsed in VxD's */ } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Load the V86 registers in the client state, and save the original state before loading the registers. ****************************************************************************/ static void LoadV86Registers( CLIENT_STRUCT *saveRegs, RMREGS *in, RMSREGS *sregs) { CLIENT_STRUCT newRegs; Save_Client_State(saveRegs); newRegs = *saveRegs; newRegs.CRS.Client_EAX = in->e.eax; newRegs.CRS.Client_EBX = in->e.ebx; newRegs.CRS.Client_ECX = in->e.ecx; newRegs.CRS.Client_EDX = in->e.edx; newRegs.CRS.Client_ESI = in->e.esi; newRegs.CRS.Client_EDI = in->e.edi; newRegs.CRS.Client_ES = sregs->es; newRegs.CRS.Client_DS = sregs->ds; Restore_Client_State(&newRegs); } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Read the V86 registers from the client state and restore the original state. ****************************************************************************/ static void ReadV86Registers( CLIENT_STRUCT *saveRegs, RMREGS *out, RMSREGS *sregs) { CLIENT_STRUCT newRegs; Save_Client_State(&newRegs); out->e.eax = newRegs.CRS.Client_EAX; out->e.ebx = newRegs.CRS.Client_EBX; out->e.ecx = newRegs.CRS.Client_ECX; out->e.edx = newRegs.CRS.Client_EDX; out->e.esi = newRegs.CRS.Client_ESI; out->e.edi = newRegs.CRS.Client_EDI; sregs->es = newRegs.CRS.Client_ES; sregs->ds = newRegs.CRS.Client_DS; Restore_Client_State(saveRegs); } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Call a V86 real mode function with the specified register values loaded before the call. The call returns with a far ret. ****************************************************************************/ void PMAPI PM_callRealMode( uint seg, uint off, RMREGS *regs, RMSREGS *sregs) { CLIENT_STRUCT saveRegs; /* Bail if we do not have BIOS access (ie: the VxD was dynamically * loaded, and not statically loaded. */ if (!_PM_haveBIOS) return; _TRACE("SDDHELP: Entering PM_callRealMode()\n"); Begin_Nest_V86_Exec(); LoadV86Registers(&saveRegs,regs,sregs); Simulate_Far_Call(seg, off); Resume_Exec(); ReadV86Registers(&saveRegs,regs,sregs); End_Nest_Exec(); _TRACE("SDDHELP: Exiting PM_callRealMode()\n"); } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Issue a V86 real mode interrupt with the specified register values loaded before the interrupt. ****************************************************************************/ int PMAPI PM_int86( int intno, RMREGS *in, RMREGS *out) { RMSREGS sregs = {0}; CLIENT_STRUCT saveRegs; ushort oldDisable; /* Bail if we do not have BIOS access (ie: the VxD was dynamically * loaded, and not statically loaded. */ if (!_PM_haveBIOS) { *out = *in; return out->x.ax; } /* Disable pass-up to our VxD handler so we directly call BIOS */ _TRACE("SDDHELP: Entering PM_int86()\n"); if (disableTSRFlag) { oldDisable = *disableTSRFlag; *disableTSRFlag = 0; } Begin_Nest_V86_Exec(); LoadV86Registers(&saveRegs,in,&sregs); Exec_Int(intno); ReadV86Registers(&saveRegs,out,&sregs); End_Nest_Exec(); /* Re-enable pass-up to our VxD handler if previously enabled */ if (disableTSRFlag) *disableTSRFlag = oldDisable; _TRACE("SDDHELP: Exiting PM_int86()\n"); return out->x.ax; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Issue a V86 real mode interrupt with the specified register values loaded before the interrupt. ****************************************************************************/ int PMAPI PM_int86x( int intno, RMREGS *in, RMREGS *out, RMSREGS *sregs) { CLIENT_STRUCT saveRegs; ushort oldDisable; /* Bail if we do not have BIOS access (ie: the VxD was dynamically * loaded, and not statically loaded. */ if (!_PM_haveBIOS) { *out = *in; return out->x.ax; } /* Disable pass-up to our VxD handler so we directly call BIOS */ _TRACE("SDDHELP: Entering PM_int86x()\n"); if (disableTSRFlag) { oldDisable = *disableTSRFlag; *disableTSRFlag = 0; } Begin_Nest_V86_Exec(); LoadV86Registers(&saveRegs,in,sregs); Exec_Int(intno); ReadV86Registers(&saveRegs,out,sregs); End_Nest_Exec(); /* Re-enable pass-up to our VxD handler if previously enabled */ if (disableTSRFlag) *disableTSRFlag = oldDisable; _TRACE("SDDHELP: Exiting PM_int86x()\n"); return out->x.ax; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Returns available memory. Not possible under Windows. ****************************************************************************/ void PMAPI PM_availableMemory( ulong *physical, ulong *total) { *physical = *total = 0; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Allocates a block of locked physical memory. ****************************************************************************/ void * PMAPI PM_allocLockedMem( uint size, ulong *physAddr, ibool contiguous, ibool below16M) { MEMHANDLE hMem; DWORD nPages = (size + 0xFFF) >> 12; DWORD flags = PAGEFIXED | PAGEUSEALIGN | (contiguous ? PAGECONTIG : 0); DWORD maxPhys = below16M ? 0x00FFFFFF : 0xFFFFFFFF; void *p; // TODO: This may need to be modified if the memory needs to be globally // accessible. Check how we implemented PM_mallocShared() as we // may need to do something similar in here. PageAllocate(nPages,PG_SYS,0,0,0,maxPhys,physAddr,flags,&hMem,&p); // TODO: We may need to modify the memory blocks to disable caching via // the page tables (PCD|PWT) since DMA memory blocks *cannot* be // cached! return p; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Frees a block of locked physical memory. ****************************************************************************/ void PMAPI PM_freeLockedMem( void *p, uint size, ibool contiguous) { if (p) PageFree((ulong)p,0); } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Allocates a page aligned and page sized block of memory ****************************************************************************/ void * PMAPI PM_allocPage( ibool locked) { MEMHANDLE hMem; void *p; // TODO: This will need to be modified if the memory needs to be globally // accessible. Check how we implemented PM_mallocShared() as we // may need to do something similar in here. PageAllocate(1,PG_SYS,0,0,0,0,0,PAGEFIXED,&hMem,&p); return p; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Free a page aligned and page sized block of memory ****************************************************************************/ void PMAPI PM_freePage( void *p) { if (p) PageFree((ulong)p,0); } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Lock linear memory so it won't be paged. ****************************************************************************/ int PMAPI PM_lockDataPages( void *p, uint len, PM_lockHandle *lh) { DWORD pgNum = (ulong)p >> 12; DWORD nPages = (len + (ulong)p - (pgNum << 12) + 0xFFF) >> 12; return LinPageLock(pgNum,nPages,0); } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Unlock linear memory so it won't be paged. ****************************************************************************/ int PMAPI PM_unlockDataPages( void *p, uint len, PM_lockHandle *lh) { DWORD pgNum = (ulong)p >> 12; DWORD nPages = (len + (ulong)p - (pgNum << 12) + 0xFFF) >> 12; return LinPageUnLock(pgNum,nPages,0); } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Lock linear memory so it won't be paged. ****************************************************************************/ int PMAPI PM_lockCodePages( void (*p)(), uint len, PM_lockHandle *lh) { return PM_lockDataPages((void*)p,len,lh); } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Unlock linear memory so it won't be paged. ****************************************************************************/ int PMAPI PM_unlockCodePages( void (*p)(), uint len, PM_lockHandle *lh) { return PM_unlockDataPages((void*)p,len,lh); } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Set the real time clock frequency (for stereo modes). ****************************************************************************/ void PMAPI PM_setRealTimeClockFrequency( int frequency) { static short convert[] = { 8192, 4096, 2048, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, -1, }; int i; /* First clear any pending RTC timeout if not cleared */ _PM_readCMOS(0x0C); if (frequency == 0) { /* Disable RTC timout */ _PM_writeCMOS(0x0A,_PM_oldCMOSRegA); _PM_writeCMOS(0x0B,_PM_oldCMOSRegB & 0x0F); } else { /* Convert frequency value to RTC clock indexes */ for (i = 0; convert[i] != -1; i++) { if (convert[i] == frequency) break; } /* Set RTC timout value and enable timeout */ _PM_writeCMOS(0x0A,0x20 | (i+3)); _PM_writeCMOS(0x0B,(_PM_oldCMOSRegB & 0x0F) | 0x40); } } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Real time clock interrupt handler, which calls the user registered C code. ****************************************************************************/ static BOOL __stdcall RTCInt_Handler( VMHANDLE hVM, IRQHANDLE hIRQ) { static char inside = 0; /* Clear priority interrupt controller and re-enable interrupts so we * dont lock things up for long. */ VPICD_Phys_EOI(hIRQ); /* Clear real-time clock timeout */ _PM_readCMOS(0x0C); /* Now call the C based interrupt handler (but check for mutual * exclusion since we may still be servicing an old interrupt when a * new one comes along; if that happens we ignore the old one). */ if (!inside) { inside = 1; enable(); _PM_rtcHandler(); inside = 0; } return TRUE; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Set the real time clock handler (used for software stereo modes). ****************************************************************************/ ibool PMAPI PM_setRealTimeClockHandler( PM_intHandler ih, int frequency) { struct VPICD_IRQ_Descriptor IRQdesc; /* Save the old CMOS real time clock values */ _PM_oldCMOSRegA = _PM_readCMOS(0x0A); _PM_oldCMOSRegB = _PM_readCMOS(0x0B); /* Set the real time clock interrupt handler */ CHECK(ih != NULL); _PM_rtcHandler = ih; IRQdesc.VID_IRQ_Number = 0x8; IRQdesc.VID_Options = 0; IRQdesc.VID_Hw_Int_Proc = (DWORD)VPICD_Thunk_HWInt(RTCInt_Handler, &RTCInt_Thunk); IRQdesc.VID_EOI_Proc = 0; IRQdesc.VID_Virt_Int_Proc = 0; IRQdesc.VID_Mask_Change_Proc= 0; IRQdesc.VID_IRET_Proc = 0; IRQdesc.VID_IRET_Time_Out = 500; if ((RTCIRQHandle = VPICD_Virtualize_IRQ(&IRQdesc)) == 0) return false; /* Program the real time clock default frequency */ PM_setRealTimeClockFrequency(frequency); /* Unmask IRQ8 in the PIC */ VPICD_Physically_Unmask(RTCIRQHandle); return true; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Restore the original real time clock handler. ****************************************************************************/ void PMAPI PM_restoreRealTimeClockHandler(void) { if (RTCIRQHandle) { /* Restore CMOS registers and mask RTC clock */ _PM_writeCMOS(0x0A,_PM_oldCMOSRegA); _PM_writeCMOS(0x0B,_PM_oldCMOSRegB); /* Restore the interrupt vector */ VPICD_Set_Auto_Masking(RTCIRQHandle); VPICD_Force_Default_Behavior(RTCIRQHandle); RTCIRQHandle = 0; } } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: OS specific shared libraries not supported inside a VxD ****************************************************************************/ PM_MODULE PMAPI PM_loadLibrary( const char *szDLLName) { (void)szDLLName; return NULL; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: OS specific shared libraries not supported inside a VxD ****************************************************************************/ void * PMAPI PM_getProcAddress( PM_MODULE hModule, const char *szProcName) { (void)hModule; (void)szProcName; return NULL; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: OS specific shared libraries not supported inside a VxD ****************************************************************************/ void PMAPI PM_freeLibrary( PM_MODULE hModule) { (void)hModule; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Function to find the first file matching a search criteria in a directory. ****************************************************************************/ void *PMAPI PM_findFirstFile( const char *filename, PM_findData *findData) { // TODO: This function should start a directory enumeration search // given the filename (with wildcards). The data should be // converted and returned in the findData standard form. (void)filename; (void)findData; return PM_FILE_INVALID; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Function to find the next file matching a search criteria in a directory. ****************************************************************************/ ibool PMAPI PM_findNextFile( void *handle, PM_findData *findData) { // TODO: This function should find the next file in directory enumeration // search given the search criteria defined in the call to // PM_findFirstFile. The data should be converted and returned // in the findData standard form. (void)handle; (void)findData; return false; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Function to close the find process ****************************************************************************/ void PMAPI PM_findClose( void *handle) { // TODO: This function should close the find process. This may do // nothing for some OS'es. (void)handle; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Function to determine if a drive is a valid drive or not. Under Unix this function will return false for anything except a value of 3 (considered the root drive, and equivalent to C: for non-Unix systems). The drive numbering is: 1 - Drive A: 2 - Drive B: 3 - Drive C: etc ****************************************************************************/ ibool PMAPI PM_driveValid( char drive) { // Not supported in a VxD (void)drive; return false; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Function to get the current working directory for the specififed drive. Under Unix this will always return the current working directory regardless of what the value of 'drive' is. ****************************************************************************/ void PMAPI PM_getdcwd( int drive, char *dir, int len) { // Not supported in a VxD (void)drive; (void)dir; (void)len; } /**************************************************************************** PARAMETERS: base - The starting physical base address of the region size - The size in bytes of the region type - Type to place into the MTRR register RETURNS: Error code describing the result. REMARKS: Function to enable write combining for the specified region of memory. ****************************************************************************/ int PMAPI PM_enableWriteCombine( ulong base, ulong size, uint type) { return MTRR_enableWriteCombine(base,size,type); } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Function to change the file attributes for a specific file. ****************************************************************************/ void PMAPI PM_setFileAttr( const char *filename, uint attrib) { // TODO: Implement this (void)filename; (void)attrib; PM_fatalError("PM_setFileAttr not implemented yet!"); } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Function to get the file attributes for a specific file. ****************************************************************************/ uint PMAPI PM_getFileAttr( const char *filename) { // TODO: Implement this (void)filename; PM_fatalError("PM_getFileAttr not implemented yet!"); return 0; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Function to create a directory. ****************************************************************************/ ibool PMAPI PM_mkdir( const char *filename) { // TODO: Implement this (void)filename; PM_fatalError("PM_mkdir not implemented yet!"); return false; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Function to remove a directory. ****************************************************************************/ ibool PMAPI PM_rmdir( const char *filename) { // TODO: Implement this (void)filename; PM_fatalError("PM_rmdir not implemented yet!"); return false; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Function to get the file time and date for a specific file. ****************************************************************************/ ibool PMAPI PM_getFileTime( const char *filename, ibool gmTime, PM_time *time) { // TODO: Implement this! (void)filename; (void)gmTime; (void)time; PM_fatalError("PM_getFileTime not implemented yet!"); return false; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Function to set the file time and date for a specific file. ****************************************************************************/ ibool PMAPI PM_setFileTime( const char *filename, ibool gmTime, PM_time *time) { // TODO: Implement this! (void)filename; (void)gmTime; (void)time; PM_fatalError("PM_setFileTime not implemented yet!"); return false; }