/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ #include #ifdef CONFIG_ROM_UNIFIED_SECTIONS #define ROM_API_TABLE_BASE_ADDR_LEGACY 0x180 #define ROM_VERSION_OFFSET 0x80 #else #define ROM_API_TABLE_BASE_ADDR_LEGACY 0xC0 #define ROM_VERSION_OFFSET 0x48 #endif #define ROM_API_TABLE_BASE_ADDR_MX6DQ_TO15 0xC4 #define ROM_API_TABLE_BASE_ADDR_MX6DL_TO12 0xC4 #define ROM_API_HWCNFG_SETUP_OFFSET 0x08 #define ROM_VERSION_TO10 0x10 #define ROM_VERSION_TO12 0x12 #define ROM_VERSION_TO15 0x15 plugin_start: push {r0-r4, lr} imx6_ddr_setting imx6_clock_gating imx6_qos_setting /* * The following is to fill in those arguments for this ROM function * pu_irom_hwcnfg_setup(void **start, size_t *bytes, const void *boot_data) * This function is used to copy data from the storage media into DDR. * start - Initial (possibly partial) image load address on entry. * Final image load address on exit. * bytes - Initial (possibly partial) image size on entry. * Final image size on exit. * boot_data - Initial @ref ivt Boot Data load address. */ adr r0, boot_data2 adr r1, image_len2 adr r2, boot_data2 #ifdef CONFIG_NOR_BOOT #ifdef CONFIG_MX6SX ldr r3, =ROM_VERSION_OFFSET ldr r4, [r3] cmp r4, #ROM_VERSION_TO10 bgt before_calling_rom___pu_irom_hwcnfg_setup ldr r3, =0x00900b00 ldr r4, =0x50000000 str r4, [r3, #0x5c] #else ldr r3, =0x00900800 ldr r4, =0x08000000 str r4, [r3, #0xc0] #endif #endif /* * check the _pu_irom_api_table for the address */ before_calling_rom___pu_irom_hwcnfg_setup: ldr r3, =ROM_VERSION_OFFSET ldr r4, [r3] #if defined(CONFIG_MX6SOLO) || defined(CONFIG_MX6DL) ldr r3, =ROM_VERSION_TO12 cmp r4, r3 ldrge r3, =ROM_API_TABLE_BASE_ADDR_MX6DL_TO12 ldrlt r3, =ROM_API_TABLE_BASE_ADDR_LEGACY #elif defined(CONFIG_MX6Q) ldr r3, =ROM_VERSION_TO15 cmp r4, r3 ldrge r3, =ROM_API_TABLE_BASE_ADDR_MX6DQ_TO15 ldrlt r3, =ROM_API_TABLE_BASE_ADDR_LEGACY #else ldr r3, =ROM_API_TABLE_BASE_ADDR_LEGACY #endif ldr r4, [r3, #ROM_API_HWCNFG_SETUP_OFFSET] blx r4 after_calling_rom___pu_irom_hwcnfg_setup: /* * ROM_API_HWCNFG_SETUP function enables MMU & Caches. * Thus disable MMU & Caches. */ mrc p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0 /* read CP15 register 1 into r0*/ ands r0, r0, #0x1 /* check if MMU is enabled */ beq mmu_disable_notreq /* exit if MMU is already disabled */ /* Disable caches, MMU */ mrc p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0 /* read CP15 register 1 into r0 */ bic r0, r0, #(1 << 2) /* disable D Cache */ bic r0, r0, #0x1 /* clear bit 0 ; MMU off */ bic r0, r0, #(0x1 << 11) /* disable Z, branch prediction */ bic r0, r0, #(0x1 << 1) /* disable A, Strict alignment */ /* check enabled. */ mcr p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0 /* write CP15 register 1 */ mov r0, r0 mov r0, r0 mov r0, r0 mov r0, r0 mmu_disable_notreq: NOP /* To return to ROM from plugin, we need to fill in these argument. * Here is what need to do: * Need to construct the paramters for this function before return to ROM: * plugin_download(void **start, size_t *bytes, UINT32 *ivt_offset) */ pop {r0-r4, lr} push {r5} ldr r5, boot_data2 str r5, [r0] ldr r5, image_len2 str r5, [r1] ldr r5, second_ivt_offset str r5, [r2] mov r0, #1 pop {r5} /* return back to ROM code */ bx lr /* make the following data right in the end of the output*/ .ltorg #if (defined(CONFIG_NOR_BOOT) || defined(CONFIG_QSPI_BOOT)) #define FLASH_OFFSET 0x1000 #else #define FLASH_OFFSET 0x400 #endif /* * second_ivt_offset is the offset from the "second_ivt_header" to * "image_copy_start", which involves FLASH_OFFSET, plus the first * ivt_header, the plugin code size itself recorded by "ivt2_header" */ second_ivt_offset: .long (ivt2_header + 0x2C + FLASH_OFFSET) /* * The following is the second IVT header plus the second boot data */ ivt2_header: .long 0x0 app2_code_jump_v: .long 0x0 reserv3: .long 0x0 dcd2_ptr: .long 0x0 boot_data2_ptr: .long 0x0 self_ptr2: .long 0x0 app_code_csf2: .long 0x0 reserv4: .long 0x0 boot_data2: .long 0x0 image_len2: .long 0x0 plugin2: .long 0x0