path: root/CMSIS/Documentation/SVD/html/group__register_properties_group__gr.html
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authorDominik Sliwa <>2017-05-16 14:31:59 +0200
committerDominik Sliwa <>2017-05-16 14:31:59 +0200
commitc9d5d6b248a12f7c6b66d8a64b93fb0c8c6cae4d (patch)
treedc9f3329f9fd2fc67aa8202b2d3cb4e537deb17d /CMSIS/Documentation/SVD/html/group__register_properties_group__gr.html
parentd0e5a94a55334b0a27652959fba5066f56128135 (diff)
ksd:ksdk update to 2.2
This include FreeRTOS update to version 9.0.0 Signed-off-by: Dominik Sliwa <>
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+<p>Register properties can be set on device, peripheral, and register level. Element values defined on a lower level overwrite element values defined on a more general level. For example, the <em>register-level.&lt;size&gt;</em> will overwrite <em>peripheral-level.&lt;size&gt;</em>. Elements that have not been defined on a more general level, must be defined at register level at the latest.</p>
+<table class="cmtable" summary="Register Properties Group Elements">
+<th nowrap="nowrap">Element Name </th><th>Description </th><th>Type </th><th>Occurrence </th></tr>
+<td>size </td><td>Defines the default bit-width of any register contained in the device (implicit inheritance). This element can be redefined on any lower level of the description using the size element there. </td><td>scaledNonNegativeInteger </td><td>0..1 </td></tr>
+<td>access </td><td>Defines the default access rights for all registers. Access rights can be redefined on any lower level of the description using the <em>access</em> element there. <br/>
+ <br/>
+ The predefined tokens are:<ul>
+<li><span class="XML-Token">read-only</span>: read access is permitted. Write operations have an undefined result.</li>
+<li><span class="XML-Token">write-only</span>: write access is permitted. Read operations have an undefined result.</li>
+<li><span class="XML-Token">read-write</span>: both read and write accesses are permitted. Writes affect the state of the register and reads return a value related to the register.</li>
+<li><span class="XML-Token">writeOnce</span>: only the first write after reset has an effect on the register. Read operations deliver undefined results.</li>
+<li><span class="XML-Token">read-writeOnce</span>: Read operations deliver a result related to the register content. Only the first write access to this register after a reset will have an effect on the register content. </li>
+</td><td>accessType </td><td>0..1 </td></tr>
+<td>protection </td><td>Defines the protection settings for a register. A device can have registers protected from access by the programmer and debugger. </td><td><a class="el" href="group__protection_string_type__gr.html">protectionStringType</a> </td><td>0..1 </td></tr>
+<td>resetValue </td><td>Defines the default value for all registers at RESET. The default register value can be redefined on any lower level using the <em>resetValue</em> element there. The actual reset value is calculated from the <em>resetValue</em> and the <em>resetMask</em>. The mask is used to specify bits with an undefined reset value. </td><td>scaledNonNegativeInteger </td><td>0..1 </td></tr>
+<td>resetMask </td><td>Identifies which register bits have a defined reset value. These bit positions are set to one. Bit positions with an undefined reset value are set to zero. </td><td>scaledNonNegativeInteger </td><td>0..1 </td></tr>
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