path: root/ecos/packages/hal/cortexm/arch/current/src/context.S
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diff --git a/ecos/packages/hal/cortexm/arch/current/src/context.S b/ecos/packages/hal/cortexm/arch/current/src/context.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ebe186
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ecos/packages/hal/cortexm/arch/current/src/context.S
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+// context.S
+// Cortex-M context switch code
+// -------------------------------------------
+// This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
+// Copyright (C) 2008, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+// Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later
+// version.
+// eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+// for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+// As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use
+// macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file
+// and link it with other works to produce a work based on this file,
+// this file does not by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by
+// the GNU General Public License. However the source code for this file
+// must still be made available in accordance with section (3) of the GNU
+// General Public License v2.
+// This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based
+// on this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
+// -------------------------------------------
+// Author(s): nickg, ilijak (FPU support)
+// Contributor(s):
+// Date: 2008-07-30
+// Description: This file contains thread context switch code.
+#include <pkgconf/system.h>
+#include <pkgconf/hal.h>
+#include <pkgconf/hal_cortexm.h>
+#include <pkgconf/kernel.h>
+#include <cyg/hal/hal_arch.h>
+#include <cyg/hal/cortexm_fpu.h> // Optional Floating Point Unit
+ .syntax unified
+ .thumb
+ .text
+// Context switch
+// R0 contains a pointer to the SP of the thread to load, R1 contains
+// a pointer to the SP of the current thread.
+// LAZY Context switch
+// Save the FPU registers only for threads that use FPU.
+ .globl hal_thread_switch_context
+ .thumb
+ .thumb_func
+ .type hal_thread_switch_context, %function
+ push {r0-r12,lr} // Push all savable register
+ ldr r6,[r7]
+ tst r6,#CYGARC_REG_FPU_CPACR_ENABLE // Is FPU enabled?
+ beq lazy_float_push // N: Be lazy.
+ vmrs r5,fpscr // Y: Save FPU context
+ vpush.f64 {d0-d15} // Push FPU registers
+ push {r5} // together with FPSCR
+ mov r2,#HAL_SAVEDREGISTERS_THREAD_FPU // Set state type: thread with FPU
+ b float_push_join
+ lazy_float_push:
+ float_push_join:
+ mrs r3,basepri // Get priority base register
+ mov r4,sp // Get SP (for info only)
+ push {r2-r4} // Push them
+ str sp,[r1] // Save SP
+ // Fall through
+// Load context
+// This is used to load a thread context, abandoning the current one. Following
+// function part is the second half of hal_thread_switch_context.
+ .globl hal_thread_load_context
+ .thumb
+ .thumb_func
+ .type hal_thread_load_context, %function
+ ldr sp,[r0] // Load SP
+ pop {r2-r4} // Pop type, basepri, SP(discarded) and FPSCR
+ msr basepri,r3 // Set BASEPRI
+ cmp r2,#HAL_SAVEDREGISTERS_THREAD_FPU // Is state type a FP thread?
+ beq real_float_pop // Y:
+ // N: Be lazy
+ str r6,[r7]
+ pop {r0-r12,pc} // Pop all registers and return to an non-FP thread
+ real_float_pop: // Restore floating point context for FP thread.
+ pop {r5} // Retrieve FPU status register
+ str r6,[r7]
+ dsb
+ isb
+ vpop.f64 {d0-d15} // Pestore FPU registers
+ vmsr fpscr,r5 // Restore FPU status register
+ pop {r0-r12,pc} // Pop all registers and return to a FP thread.
+// Load context entry point
+// Load context initially needs CPACR register, so it is provided here.
+ ldr r6,[r7]
+ b hal_thread_load_context_common
+// ALL Context switch
+// Save the FPU registers for all threads.
+ .globl hal_thread_switch_context
+ .thumb
+ .thumb_func
+ .type hal_thread_switch_context, %function
+ push {r0-r12,lr} // Push all savable register
+ vmrs r5,fpscr
+ mov r2,#HAL_SAVEDREGISTERS_THREAD_FPU // Set state type == thread
+ vpush.f64 {d0-d15} // Push FPU registers
+ sub r4,sp,#4 // Get SP (for info only)
+ mrs r3,basepri // Get priority base register
+ push {r2-r5} // Push them
+ str sp,[r1] // Save SP
+ // Fall through
+// Load context
+// This is used to load a thread context, abandoning the current one. This
+// function is also the second half of hal_thread_switch_context.
+ .globl hal_thread_load_context
+ .thumb
+ .thumb_func
+ .type hal_thread_load_context, %function
+ ldr sp,[r0] // Load SP
+ pop {r2-r5} // Pop type, basepri,SP(discarded) and FPSCR
+ msr basepri,r3 // Set BASEPRI
+ vpop.f64 {d0-d15} // Pop FPU registers
+ vmsr fpscr,r5 // and FPU status register
+ pop {r0-r12,pc} // Pop all register and return
+// NONE Context switch
+// No FPU or NONE context saving scheme. Do not save FPU registers.
+ .globl hal_thread_switch_context
+ .thumb
+ .thumb_func
+ .type hal_thread_switch_context, %function
+ push {r0-r12,lr} // Push all savable register
+ mov r2,#2 // Set state type == thread
+ mrs r3,basepri // Get priority base register
+ mov r4,sp // Get SP (for info only)
+ push {r2-r4} // Push them
+ str sp,[r1] // Save SP
+ // Fall through
+// Load context
+// This is used to load a thread context, abandoning the current one. This
+// function is also the second half of hal_thread_switch_context.
+ .globl hal_thread_load_context
+ .thumb
+ .thumb_func
+ .type hal_thread_load_context, %function
+ ldr sp,[r0] // Load SP
+ pop {r2-r4} // Pop type, basepri and SP (discarded)
+ msr basepri,r3 // Set BASEPRI
+ pop {r0-r12,pc} // Pop all register and return
+// HAL longjmp, setjmp implementations
+// hal_setjmp saves only to callee save registers R4-14
+// and LR into buffer supplied in r0[arg0].
+ .globl hal_setjmp
+ .thumb
+ .thumb_func
+ .type hal_setjmp, %function
+ mov r3,sp
+ stmea r0,{r3-r12,r14}
+ mov r0,#0
+ bx lr
+// hal_longjmp loads state from r0[arg0] and returns
+ .globl hal_longjmp
+ .thumb
+ .thumb_func
+ .type hal_longjmp, %function
+ ldmfd r0,{r3-r12,r14}
+ mov sp,r3
+ mov r0,r1 // return [arg1]
+ bx lr
+// EOF context.S