backports-sources-toradex.gitSources for Backports ToradexToradex5 years
backports-toradex.gitBackports for Apalis and Colibri modulesToradex7 years
device-tree-overlays.gitDevice Tree Overlays Toradex8 hours
ecos-toradex.giteCos for Colibri VF61 Cortex M4 coreToradex8 years
freertos-toradex.gitFreeRTOS for the Cortex M4 core of Heterogeneous Multicore modulesToradex8 years
imx-atf.gitReference implementation of ARM secure world software for i.MXToradex4 years
linux-toradex-kconfig.gitLinux Toradex KconfigToradex
linux-toradex.gitLinux kernel for Apalis, Colibri and Verdin modulesToradex8 weeks
meta-lxde.gitoe-core LXDE layerToradex4 years
meta-toradex-bsp-common.gitToradex BSP layer, recipes common to all modulesToradex38 hours
meta-toradex-demos.gitToradex BSP layer, recipes for the demo imagesToradex9 days
meta-toradex-distro.gitToradex distribution layerToradex9 days
meta-toradex-nxp.gitToradex BSP layer, recipes for NXP based modulesToradex2 days
meta-toradex-tegra.gitToradex BSP layer, recipes for NVIDIA Tegra based modulesToradex3 years
meta-toradex-ti.gitToradex BSP layer, recipes for TI based modulesToradex2 days
meta-toradex.gitoe-core BSP layer (obsolete)Toradex8 years
toradex-bsp-platform.gitoe-core repo manifestToradex4 years
toradex-manifest.gitRepo manifest for Toradex Embedded Linux TorizonCore and BSP layer setup for Yoc...Toradex8 weeks
u-boot-toradex.gitU-Boot bootloader for Apalis and Colibri modulesToradex17 months