************************************************* Release Notes: Linux Image V2.x for Colibri iMX7 ************************************************* Contents: - U-Boot 2015.04 boot loader - Linux 3.14.52 kernel, based on Freescale's BSP release imx_3.14.52_1.1.0_ga - Angstrom 2015.12/OpenEmbedded jethro/Yocto 2.0 based root file system, using LXDE desktop environment ==> Flashing instructions can be found on the Toradex developer article: tbd. for the time being refer to: http://developer.toradex.com/knowledge-base/flashing-linux-on-vybrid-modules Licensing: - proprietary multimedia codecs included for evaluation purpose only - customer required to obtain proper re-distribution license ******************************************************************************** Linux Image V2.6 Alpha 1 (March 15, 2016) - U-Boot: - initial release - Linux kernel: - initial release - rootfs / oe-core: - initial release - uses ARMv7 hard-float Thumb2 builds (armv7at2hf-vfp-neon) - sources git.toradex.com tag Colibri_iMX7_LinuxImageV2.6Alpha1_20160315 - repository linux-toradex branch toradex_imx_3.14.52_1.1.0_ga - repository u-boot-toradex branch 2014.04-toradex Known Issues: - poweroff and reboot does not work as expected - display resolution can be set in the device tree - flashing the ubifs rootfs with U-Boot may fail depending on HW ******************************************************************************** Notes: - 115200 baud serial debug console on UARTA aka FFUART (lower X25 on EvalBoards resp. X27 on V3.1a depending on JP17/19, X13 on Iris) - user account: root with empty password - opkg package manager - Linux host used for update preparation requires proper 32-bit execution environment (e.g. install ia32-libs on 64-bit Ubuntu) and awk (e.g. install gawk on Ubuntu) Working on latest image: - U-Boot boot loader - environment storage in NAND - Ethernet - MMC/SD cards - NAND flash - RAM size auto detection - serial console debug UARTA - Toradex Colibri configuration block handling - module type auto detection - USB storage as host on USBH port (i.MX7 Dual only) - USB storage as host on USBC port - framebuffer support - Linux kernel - analogue audio playback and capture, resistive touch - analogue input via IIO framework /sys/devices/soc.2/30400000.aips-bus/30610000.adc/iio:device0 Note the 1.8 Full Scale limitation! - DVFS power management (i.MX 7Dual only) - Ethernet - custom Ethernet MAC address - framebuffer console - GPIOlib /sys/class/gpio - I2C via /dev/i2c-X - PWMs /sys/class/pwm - NAND UBIFS - 4-bit SD card mmc1 - SPI via /dev/spidev2.0 - suspend LP1 - temperature sensor CPU /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp - serial console debug UARTA - UARTB, UARTC - USB host port (Note, i.MX 7Solo only has USBC port) - USB audio driver - automatic USBC switching to host when OTG Host cable detected - Linux user-space - Firefox browser - LXDE desktop environment - Display: - backlight PWM with PWM - resolution setting through device tree nodes Not working or not tested: - U-Boot boot loader - USB device: DFU support (device firmware upgrade) - Linux kernel - CAN via MCP2515 - CAN via flexcan can0 and can1, disabled in device tree - IrDA - parallel bus - optional parallel camera interface - RS-422 - optional RS485 - serial number and board revision (not passed in from U-Boot) - temperature sensor board - USB webcam - USB raw HID device /dev/hidrawX - USB device Ethernet RNDIS, disabled - automatic USB device/host detection aka OTG support (not tested) - watchdog - Linux user-space - GPIO config tool not available ****************************************************************************** Toradex, March 29, 2016