AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-01-13Add task-lxde-extended.Peter Tworek
2012-01-13Fix lxde-icon-theme and lxappearance recipes.Peter Tworek
2012-01-13Add lxsession-edit recipe.Peter Tworek
2012-01-13Add lxpolkit recipe.Peter Tworek
2012-01-13Add lxshortcut recipe.Peter Tworek
2012-01-13Add lxinput recipe.Peter Tworek
2012-01-12Add gpicview recipe.Peter Tworek
2012-01-12Simplify lxappearance recipe.Peter Tworek
2012-01-10Fix lxdm's xinitrc script to work with OE's default run-parts.Peter Tworek
2012-01-09Move gcalctool to meta-jlime. It's not LXDE specific.Peter Tworek
2011-11-17Move libgtkstylus from meta-lxde to meta-jlime.Peter Tworek
2011-11-17Add recipe for task-lxde-base.Peter Tworek
2011-11-17Add recipe for lxdm 0.4.1.Peter Tworek
2011-11-09Import and fix libgtkstylus 0.5 recipe.Peter Tworek
2011-11-09Add gcalctool 5.32.2 recipe.Peter Tworek
2011-11-09Add obconf 2.0.3+git recipe.Peter Tworek
2011-11-09Add lxtask 0.1.4 recipe.Peter Tworek
2011-11-09Inherit pkgconfig instead of explicitly depending on pkgconfig-native.Peter Tworek
2011-11-07Import some more LXDE recipes.Peter Tworek
2011-11-07Openbox: don't depend on gtk-engines.Peter Tworek
2011-11-06New layer: meta-lxde. Most stuff is imported from classic oe.Peter Tworek