/* * Copyright (c) 2015, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * o Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or * other materials provided with the distribution. * * o Neither the name of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include "uart_imx.h" #include "board.h" typedef struct _uart_state { const uint8_t* txBuff; /*!< The buffer of data being sent.*/ uint8_t* rxBuff; /*!< The buffer of received data. */ volatile uint32_t txSize; /*!< The remaining number of bytes to be transmitted. */ volatile uint32_t rxSize; /*!< The remaining number of bytes to be received. */ volatile bool isTxBusy; /*!< True if there is an active transmit. */ volatile bool isRxBusy; /*!< True if there is an active receive. */ } uart_state_t; const uint8_t buffStart[] = "\n\r++++++++++++++++ UART Send/Receive Interrupt Driven Example +++++++++++++++++\n\r"; const uint8_t bufferData[] = "\n\rType characters from keyboard, the board will receive and then echo them to terminal screen\n\r"; /* Uart runtime state structure */ static uart_state_t uartState; static void UART_XFER_Config(uart_init_config_t* initConfig); static bool UART_XFER_Write(uint8_t* txBuffer, uint32_t length); static uint32_t UART_XFER_GetWriteStatus(void); static bool UART_XFER_Read(uint8_t* rxBuffer, uint32_t length); static uint32_t UART_XFER_GetReadStatus(void); int main(void) { uint8_t rxChar, txChar; // Setup UART init structure. uart_init_config_t uart_init_str = { .clockRate = get_uart_clock_freq(BOARD_DEBUG_UART_BASEADDR), .baudRate = 115200u, .wordLength = uartWordLength8Bits, .stopBitNum = uartStopBitNumOne, .parity = uartParityDisable, .direction = uartDirectionTxRx }; // Initialize board specified hardware. hardware_init(); // Initialize the uart module with initialize structure. UART_XFER_Config(&uart_init_str); // Inform to start non blocking example. UART_XFER_Write((uint8_t*)buffStart, sizeof(buffStart)); // Wait until transmission is finished. while (UART_XFER_GetWriteStatus()); // Inform user of what to do UART_XFER_Write((uint8_t*)bufferData, sizeof(bufferData)); // Wait until transmission is finished. while (UART_XFER_GetWriteStatus()); while (true) { // Call received API UART_XFER_Read(&rxChar, 1u); // Wait until we receive a character while (UART_XFER_GetReadStatus()); // Echo received character txChar = rxChar; UART_XFER_Write(&txChar, 1u); } } static void UART_XFER_Config(uart_init_config_t* initConfig) { /* Assert */ /* Initialize UART state structure content. */ uartState.txBuff = 0; uartState.rxBuff = 0; uartState.txSize = 0; uartState.rxSize = 0; uartState.isTxBusy = false; uartState.isRxBusy = false; /* Initialize UART baud rate, bit count, parity, stop bit and direction. */ UART_Init(BOARD_DEBUG_UART_BASEADDR, initConfig); UART_SetTxFifoWatermark(BOARD_DEBUG_UART_BASEADDR, 16); UART_SetRxFifoWatermark(BOARD_DEBUG_UART_BASEADDR, 1); /* Set UART Interrupt priority */ NVIC_SetPriority(BOARD_DEBUG_UART_IRQ_NUM, 3); /* Call core API to enable the IRQ. */ NVIC_EnableIRQ(BOARD_DEBUG_UART_IRQ_NUM); /* Finally, enable the UART module */ UART_Enable(BOARD_DEBUG_UART_BASEADDR); } static bool UART_XFER_Write(uint8_t* txBuffer, uint32_t length) { if ((uartState.isTxBusy) || (0 == length)) return false; uartState.txBuff = txBuffer; uartState.txSize = length; uartState.isTxBusy = true; UART_SetIntCmd(BOARD_DEBUG_UART_BASEADDR, uartIntTxReady, true); return true; } static uint32_t UART_XFER_GetWriteStatus(void) { return uartState.txSize; } static bool UART_XFER_Read(uint8_t* rxBuffer, uint32_t length) { if ((uartState.isRxBusy) || (0 == length)) return false; uartState.rxBuff = rxBuffer; uartState.rxSize = length; uartState.isRxBusy = true; UART_SetIntCmd(BOARD_DEBUG_UART_BASEADDR, uartIntRxReady, true); return true; } static uint32_t UART_XFER_GetReadStatus(void) { return uartState.rxSize; } void BOARD_DEBUG_UART_HANDLER(void) { /* Exit the ISR if no transfer is happening for this instance. */ if ((!uartState.isTxBusy) && (!uartState.isRxBusy)) return; if (UART_GetStatusFlag(BOARD_DEBUG_UART_BASEADDR, uartStatusRxReady)) { /* Check to see if there are any more bytes to receive. */ if (uartState.rxSize) { while (UART_GetStatusFlag(BOARD_DEBUG_UART_BASEADDR, uartStatusRxReady)) { *(uartState.rxBuff) = (uint8_t)UART_Getchar(BOARD_DEBUG_UART_BASEADDR); uartState.rxBuff++; uartState.rxSize--; if (uartState.rxSize == 0U) { UART_SetIntCmd(BOARD_DEBUG_UART_BASEADDR, uartIntRxReady, false); uartState.isRxBusy = false; break; } } } } if (UART_GetStatusFlag(BOARD_DEBUG_UART_BASEADDR, uartStatusTxReady)) { /* Check to see if there are any more bytes to send. */ if (uartState.txSize) { while (UART_GetStatusFlag(BOARD_DEBUG_UART_BASEADDR, uartStatusTxReady)) { /* Transmit data and update tx size/buff */ UART_Putchar(BOARD_DEBUG_UART_BASEADDR, *(uartState.txBuff)); uartState.txBuff++; uartState.txSize--; if (uartState.txSize == 0U) { /* Transmit complete */ /* Disable the transmitter ready interrupt */ UART_SetIntCmd(BOARD_DEBUG_UART_BASEADDR, uartIntTxReady, false); /* Update the information of the module driver state */ uartState.isTxBusy = false; break; } } } } } /******************************************************************************* * EOF ******************************************************************************/