// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later OR MIT /* * Copyright 2020-2021 Toradex */ // Enable the LCDIF interface and LVDS trasceiver, tuning settings // for Toradex Cap LVDS 10" Display on the Colibri iMX6DL. #include /dts-v1/; /plugin/; / { compatible = "toradex,colibri_imx6dl"; }; &backlight { status = "okay"; }; /* Need to be disabled due to overlapped pins SODIMM_55, SODIMM_63 */ &can1 { status = "disabled"; }; &gpio1 { /* This switches the LVDS transceiver to the single-channel * output mode. */ LVDS_MODE { gpio-hog; gpios = <7 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; line-name = "LVDS_MODE"; output-high; }; /* This turns the LVDS transceiver on */ LVDS_PWRDWN { gpio-hog; gpios = <12 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; line-name = "LVDS_PWRDWN"; output-high; }; }; &lcd { status = "okay"; }; &mxcfb1 { mode_str ="1280x800M@60"; status = "okay"; }; &pwm3 { status = "okay"; };